@ 0:12 Julius Randle was about to turn a year old when a teenage Kevin Garnett entered the league as the future of the TWolves franchise. Since that day, KG has become a NBA champion with an impressive resume and a reputation for intimidating soft players in the league. Since that day, Julius Randle has grown up to be a man (beast) and the future of the Lakers franchise.
On Wednesday night, the two faced off against each other and it didn't take long until KG tried to get into the face of Randle. And from the looks on the faces of the two, Randle wasn't having any of it. Not only did he give KG that DeNiro in Taxi Driver look but he bumped the legend and minutes later clowned him by throwing the ball off of his back on an inbound play.
After the game, Randle, who had 15 points and 11 rebounds, talked to reporters about trash talking with KG.
“It doesn’t scare me. I’m not scared of anybody. We know that's his thing," said Randle. "I've been watching him my whole life so I knew what to expect."
Kobe called Randle a "grown-ass man" after he stood up to Kevin Garnett last night
— Mark Medina (@MarkG_Medina) October 29, 2015
Source: Complex