Glazed Donut Face Ass with Keith Fujimoto

Twitter was born in 2006, with few understanding the platform’s power and the repercussions that come from it. On the last day 2013, Carmelo Anthony got embroiled in a Twitter fight with one of his biggest fans, which lead to one of the great insults and collection of words that have ever graced the human ear. Keith Fujimoto, social coordinator at The Ringer, joins the pod to talk about this iconic tweet (11:03), getting blocked by Andre Drummond (14:50), and some of the best NBA tweets of all time (24:50).  
Showtime codes:  01:36 -  The First Ballot Theme Song 04:30 - NBA Trivia 14:50 - How Keith Got Blocked by Andre Drummond  24:50 - What are the Best NBA tweets of all time? 35:05 - Keith’s rap name 46:30 - MVP of the tweet 50:43 - More Important - America’s Favorite Podcast Segment 56:03 - Special Guest Cameo:  The Guy Carmelo Anthony Called a Glazed Donut Face Ass!  He gives his side of the story 1:07:04 - Voting Committee Deliberation 1:09:20 - Co Sign 1:10:25 - Induction Speech

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