Wisconsin's Nigel Hayes Had An Embarrassing Press Conference Moment When He Didn't Realize His Mic Was On

Players in this post:
Nigel Hayes Kobe Bryant

Wisconsin's Nigel Hayes is becoming a fan favorite after a series of funny press conference moments.  On Saturday, he tested the skills of a stenographer by throwing out a few uncommon words before answering a reporter's question.

"Cattywampus, onomatopoeia and antidisestablishmentarianism. Now, back to your question." 

On Wednesday, when asked if he had any words for the stenographer in the room, Nigel replied with "syzygy" and then scanned the room full of reporters before whispering to his teammates "gosh she's beautiful."  What made the moment so embarrassing was he basically whispered to the entire room and because of the sharing of this caught-on-video-moment, he whispered to the entire world.

But don't feel bad for Nigel, he's also sharing Kobe Bryant's locker at Staples Center and he's pretty happy about it.
