After roasting the Clippers and saying Doc Rivers "gotta go" on 'The Herd' last week, it was no surprise he didn't look too thrilled to see his former Coach when Rivers made a surprise appearance during a Celtics reunion on TNTs 'Area 21.'
"How ya going to have a reunion without me?" yells Doc as he appears on a TV.
One by one the players greeted their former coach with a big smile on their face:
"What up Doc?" - Pierce
"Doc, What's up?" - Big Perk
"How ya doing man?" - KG
With the exception of Big Baby, who sat silent for a minute until breaking into a story about him being late for a bus. A not-so-amused looking Doc then mentioned the elephant in the room and got some payback by telling a story about Big Baby gaining weight during training camp (which is impossible to do) by showing up first to get food and then coming back an hour later asking, "what we got to eat today?"
Doc also mentioned some funny stories about the team, including an arm wrestling incident between KG and Big Baby. They didn't go into details but you can hear all about it in this podcast by Michael Rapaport.