The latest Shaqtin' A Fool with AL Horford ducking from a rebound is pretty hilarious but the funniest thing from the Inside The NBA episode after the Kyrie Irving GM4 show was Barkley telling Shaq he was going to throw a chicken wing at his fat ass.
The chicken wing threat happened after Shaq started talking about Barkley not having a ring and only going to the Finals once. Barkley responded by saying Shaq rode the coattails of Kobe and Dwyane Wade. The joke seemed to annoy Shaq, who fired back with some name-calling, saying some people question why Barkley is in the hall of fame (only an idiot would question that) and (jokingly) said he was going to punch Barkley in the face one day. Barkley then delivered the lines of the night with there's "going to be some furniture moving" and "I'm going to throw a chicken wing at your fat ass."
When Shaq threatened to throw a chicken wing at Barkley, Chuck hilariously took a shot at Kenny Smith: "You don't want to get it on this cheap suit Kenny got on."
And this would be a good time to revisit their fist fight in 1999.