Lance Stephenson with his first flop as a Charlotte Hornet

Players in this post:
Lance Stephenson

Here's the Good, the Bad & the Ugly for Lance Stephenson in last night's game vs the Bulls.  The Good was he scored 14 points on 7 of 11 shooting. The Bad was the Hornets lost by 5 to the Bulls and The Ugly was this flop by Lance.

The other good news is Lance has a lot more money to spend on fines this season. Last year he was fined 3 times for flopping while getting paid pocket change to what he's (deservedly) getting paid now.

This is also a good opportunity for us to look back at my favorite Lance flop of last season.


The first thing I thought about when I saw Lance on the ground taking a quick peek was Kevin Hart's grandmother would be proud (go to the 4 minute mark to see why).