The Story of God Shammgod

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God Shammgod

You have probably heard the name Shammgod and seen a "Shammgod crossover" more times than you have ever seen an actual play by the man who taught Kobe Bryant how to improve his crossover: That man is God Shammgod.

If that's the case for you, then enjoy the following vids of the former McDonalds All-American, Providence star and New York legend who has a bigger cult following than everyone from his 1997 draft with the exception of probably #1 pick Duncan and #9 pick McGrady. What makes this so interesting is Shammgod was the #45 pick (Wizards) and only played 20 games in the NBA.

But via writers, bloggers, tv commentators, barbershops and great NBA point guards like Chris Paul and Kyrie Irving, his name not only continues to live on, it gets bigger and more legendary.

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