Little Kid Steals Show As Russell Westbrook Ignores Multiple Media Questions About Durant

Players in this post:
Kevin Durant Russell Westbrook

This is why I hate a lot of media people and vented about these media events back in 2015, when Kevin Durant told the media, "You guys really don't know shit" and "Y'all not my friends."  They ask the same stupid questions over and over again, knowing it's not the time or place where the the player being interviewed wants to discuss those type of questions. It's called All-Star break, so give the guys a freaking break and allow them to have some fun and enjoy the weekend that is supposed to honor them.

In the video above, Westbrook deflects a couple of questions about Durant and then lights up when he's asked a question by a little kid, 15-year old Jarrius Robertson, who did mention KD but also hilariously told Westbrook they need more shooters. Did you see what happened? Repetitive questions by a serious adult = negative response; fun questions from a kid = positive response.

I'm not saying all the adults in the room should start acting like kids but if they approached the athletes and the game with the joy they had when they were kids, then maybe they might get something better to write about in return. And if those media people are only there because it's their job then don't ruin another person's job because your job sucks.