Today's "Morning Motivation" comes from the league's best rapper and maybe most unappreciated player (right, Chris Broussard?).
A lot of the footage from this motivational video was from the first episode of his video series License to Lillard. If you haven't seen any episodes from the series, I highly recommend all of them, especially the first: The Beginning.
And since the release of this 2012 video, Dame has racked up a Rookie of the Year award, two All-Star nominations, two All-NBA sports, two NBA Skills Champ awards and a lot of respect from his peers. Although, I'll argue he still doesn't get the amount of respect he deserves and I'm sure the next Sports Illustrated Top 100 players list will back that up.
So enjoy the next 15 minutes of videos, get motivated, then get your ass to the court and/or gym.