Kevin Durant's handshake with Obama inspires Key & Peele sketch

Players in this post:
LeBron James Kevin Durant

Comedy Central's Key and Peele returned this week, with, in my opinion, one of the funniest episodes ever. One of the best sketches from the episode was based on one of the funniest moments, in my opinion, of President Barack Obama and Kevin Durant's career.

Back in 2012, Obama visited KD, LeBron and Team USA before a warm-up game against Brazil. The first guy he shook hands with was a white Team USA staff member and the handshake was your standard "Hello, how are you?" type greeting. Then he got to Kevin Durant and gave him one of those "What's up, bring it in!" shakes and hugs.

Obama Handshake w/ white guy Vs. Kevin Durant. Lol #specialk #REMAKE #mynigga

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He also gave LeBron a similar "bring it in" hug, which can be seen in the White House video below.

The clip didn't show how he shook Deron Williams' hands but I'm assuming the moment was similar to the moment Peele's Obama gets to Key in the sketch.





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