The world lost 21 year-old Tyrek Coger Thursday evening after he collapsed following a team workout at Oklahoma State. A Raleigh, North Carolina native and proud representative of the #HoopState movement, Coger had fought hard to get himself where he was in the basketball world. He found himself at OSU via Cape Fear Community College after playing his high school ball at Word of God Christian Academy and Upper Room Christian Academy. Every one in our community knows Tyrek and knows the impact he had on the youth in our area. Coger will be remembered by all as a hard-working, funny, positive, Christian man who left us all far too soon. May we all remember who Tyrek Coger was, as well as what he represented. I am confident he is home now, watching down on us, ready to send blessings of positivitey and strength for us to spread on the world around us. May his name never be forgotten.