Meet the tallest high school player in the world - 7'5 Tacko "Taco" Fall

Players in this post:
Tacko Fall Nate Robinson Thon Maker

What's not to like about Tacko Fall!  He's a 7'5 kid in high school that wears glasses, brings back memories of the tv show 'Family Matters' and goes by "Taco."

But before you get too excited thinking about how he's going to dominate the NBA in the near future, Taco isn't even dominating high school competition...yet. He averages 11 points, rarely gets more than 1 block a game and only had 1 double double in 21 games. With that said, he's tall, young, very tall and looks like he's having lots of fun and I'm sure Taco Bell wishes they could hire him right now to join Nate Robinson and Kevin Love in their XXL campaign just so they can say "The Taco XXL isn't a big meal for Taco, but you are not Taco."


Speaking of tall high school kids with cool names.  Here's a reminder to also keep an eye on 7'1 high school sophomore Thon Maker. 

Taco video by Home Team Hoops




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